The prosecution in a criminal case has to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the accused committed th crime. 在刑事案件中,控方必须毫无疑义地确认被告犯了罪。
The judge admitted Holloway is not a criminal, and that this is not a criminal case& but she was still sentenced to jail. 法官承认Holloway并不是罪犯,这也不能构成刑事案件&但她仍被判入狱。
This is not related to our official work, it's a private thing, so I understand he has his own lawyer for a criminal case. 他说:这和我们的官方工作无关,是私人的事情,所以我认为他会自己请个刑事律师。
After the criminal case was concluded, the judges started to try the supplementary civil action. 刑事案件结案以后,法官们就开始审理附带民事诉讼。
Spy into a complicated criminal case Jones is a police detective from the Homicide squad. 侦察一桩复杂刑事案件琼斯是一名负责严重刑事侦缉的侦探。
Association Rules Analysis in Criminal Case Database 刑事案件信息数据库中的关联规则分析
Unlike a fine paid in a criminal case, punitive damages go to the injured party. 但这种赔偿与刑事案件的赔偿不同,惩戒性赔偿是给付给受害一方的。
Examination of Tiny Amount of Glass at a Criminal Case Crime Scene and Its Application 刑事案件现场中微量玻璃的检验及应用
The witness of criminal case comes to give evidence on the court is a general criterion of the international criminal judicature, and is one of the system of criminal procedural law of China. 刑事案件证人出庭作证,是国际刑事司法准则的要求,也是我国刑事诉讼法规定的制度。
However, why come up with a criminal case out? 可是,为什么搞出刑事案件了呢?
How can we trust ordinary people, who lack specialized legal training, to decide a criminal case? 我们怎么能信任缺乏专门法律训练的普通人来判定一桩刑事案呢?
The criminal case information sharing platform shall be established in the places where conditions permit. 有条件的地方,应当建立刑事案件信息共享平台。
So far, all is indecisiveness: US courts must decide whether they have jurisdiction, and German prosecutors must consider pursuing a criminal case against former Porsche executives. That, in turn, could influence the prospects for successful civil litigation. 至今为止,一切都还未有定论:美国的法庭必须就自己是否具有管辖权作出裁决;德国检方尚未确定是否要对保时捷的一些前任高管提起刑事诉讼,而这进而将影响民事诉讼的成功希望。
When the people's court tries a criminal case, it shall bring sentencing into court proceedings. 人民法院审理刑事案件,应当将量刑纳入法庭审理程序。
Transfer of Suspected Criminal Case by Administrative Organ 行政机关移送涉嫌犯罪案件的时机辨析
The minor social investigation report is the important attribute of minor Crime person's personal dangerousness, which is also the important reference of trying the minor criminal case. 未成年人社会调查报告是未成年被告人人身危险性的重要表征,也是审理未成年人刑事案件的重要参考依据。
Campus Criminal Case Legal Relationship and Legal Relief 校园刑事案件的法律关系与法律救济
In the civil case, Camp's Feb.13 orders did not include restitution for Ramunno himself because he is already subject to that in the criminal case, the agency said. 在该民事案件中,坎普的2月13日的命令中没有列入拉蒙诺自己的赔偿,因为他在刑事案件中已经赔偿了,该代表说。
Have you ever been found guilty in a criminal case in Japan or in another country? 在日本国或其它国家,您是否受过刑事处罚?
Today it just decided there was enough evidence for a criminal case against them. 今天刚刚发现了断定他们犯罪案件的足够证据。
In a criminal case, the court must instruct the jury that it may or may not accept the noticed fact as conclusive. 在刑事案件中,法院必须指示陪审团其可以将司法认知的事实接受为结论性事实,也可以不将其接受为结论性事实。
They made open and secret investigations to solve this criminal case. 他们明察暗访,把这件案子侦破了。
A criminal case, however, involves a person who is accused of breaking a law. 然而,一起刑事案件牵涉到一个被指控犯了法的人。
Which is the principle required to be followed during handling the criminal case. 这是办理刑事案件过程中应当坚持的原则。
Law judge wood is presiding over the criminal case. 伍德法官在管这个刑事案子。
Criminal case: consulting, agent, defence on criminal matter. 刑事案件:代理、咨询、辩护等。
The Chinese scholars diverge in their definition of misjudged ease and misjudged criminal case, which counteracts turning theory into judicial practice. 我国学者对何为刑事错案的问题存在着认识上的严重分歧,这显然不利于发挥理论对司法实践的明确指导作用。
As an important constituent of the current criminal procedure in China, Filling a criminal case is really a necessary procedure of all criminal cases. 刑事立案作为我国现行刑事诉讼制度重要组成部分,是办理所有刑事案件的必经程序。
Research on Criminal Case Demonstration Education Model under the Judicial Test System 司法考试制度下的刑事案例演习教育模式新探
When will you get at that criminal case? evidence for the prosecution in criminal proceedings. 你何时开始处理那起刑事案件?